The trail is named after the Grysbok, an endemic fynbos ungulate commonly seen along the trail. Other frequent large mammal sightings include springbok, plains zebra, red hartebeest and blue duiker. Many smaller mammals such as the honey badger (Mellivora capensis), scrub hare and three mongoose species also occur in the reserve. A total of 25 mammal species have been recorded on the reserve.
Listed below are some of the mammals that can be found along the trail:
Grysbok (Raphicerus melanotis)
Rich red coat with grey guard hairs - hence the name Grysbok
Height of 54 cm at the shoulder
Single lamb usually born in spring
Huge ears and hunched posture
Only the males have horns
Mostly seen at dusk and in the early morning
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia)
Named after Afrikaans word "duiker" - duck away into bush when threatened
Dark band on the muzzle and upright tuft of hair between horns
Height of 50 cm at the shoulder
Can survive without drinking water
Often dig for roots
One of the few antelope known to feed on insects and carrion
Hide in dense bush during the day and will come bounding out at the last moment if disturbed - this behaviour has given us all quite a fright on the odd occasion
Blue duiker (Philantomba monticola)
Smallest antelope in South Africa
Height of 30 cm at the shoulder
Very shy and stays in dense bush
Identified by its tiny spoor which have two lines between the main hoof marks
Males and females have short spike-like horns with a little tuft of hair between them
Slit-like glandular openings just below and in front of their eyes - mark bushes and territories
Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus)
Also called Harnessed antelope
Characteristic white bands ("harness" marks) at base of throat and neck
Height of 80 cm at shoulder
Stick to dense bush - hence the name Bushbuck
Not often seen on trail as they avoid campus buildings
Springbuck (Antidorcas marsupialis)
Named "Spring" buck - jump (or spring) up vertically
Springing into the air is called "pronking" or "stotting"
Lyre-shaped horns and distinctive side stripes on the body
Height of 75 cm at shoulder
Males and females have horns
Often seen on the trail - during the day as well
Don't need to drink water - will get water from their food (succulent roots and melons)
Red hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus)
Dutch "hert" (deer) and "beest" (beast) - Hartebeest used by early Boers because these animals looked like a deer
Reddish brown colour with off-white rump
"Heart-shaped" curved horns, heavily ridged
Males and females have horns
Young will lay hidden in tall grass
Mark territories with dung middens, thrashing vegetation with horns and marking with pre orbital (front of eye) glands
Plains zebra (Equus quagga)
Each zebra has an unique black and white stripe pattern - like a fingerprint
Stripes fade out on their lower legs
Live in breeding groups - a stallion (male) and about 5 mares (females)
Most active during early mornings and late evenings
Very dependant on water
Lots of their kidney-shaped dung on the trail
Bushpig (Potamochoerus porcus)
Reddish colour with a stripe of long white hair along the back
Height of 90 cm at shoulder - similar size to African domestic pigs
Have barely visible upper tusks and razor sharp lower tusks that grow up to 7 cm long
Spoor often seen at back of campus where the bush is thicker
Nocturnal animals (active at night)
Voraciously (eat a lot) omnivorous (eat anything from carrion to roots)
Vervet monkey (Ceropithecus aethiops)
One of two monkey species found in southern Africa
Silver-grey body with marked black face
Not often seen on trail - scavenge for titbits on campus and around residences
Adult males have vividly coloured genitals - red penis and bright blue scrotum
Highly social and live in well organised troops of approximately 20 individuals
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis)
Grey and white in colour, with long grey ears
Found in more bushy areas - preferred habitat is scrub
Often seen on the lawns behind the Biological Science buildings
Mainly feed on fresh green grass
Caracal (Caracal caracal)
Afrikaans name 'Rooikat' is the best descriptive term - means 'Red cat'
Looks like a northern hemisphere lynx - NOT a lynx
Height of 45 cm at shoulder
Usually prey on smaller items - have been recorded to take animals as large as Bushbuck
Can launch 4-5 m into the air from a seated position - enables them to pluck birds from the air
Occur all over Africa
Mainly nocturnal - seldom seen on trail
Small grey mongoose (Galerella pulverulenta)
Body length of 69 cm, and tail length of 34 cm
Solitary and shelter in vegetation - will also make use of burrows
They will catch and eat snakes
Many people believe the Mongoose is immune to snake venom - there is no evidence that this is true
Frequently seen during the day
Yellow mongoose (Cynictis penicillata)
Body length of 60 cm, and tail length of 25 cm with distinctive white tip
Often seen dashing across paths during the day - will turn and look back when they reach cover
Opportunistic feeders and will prey on any small animal they find - from birds to scorpions
Shelter in burrows which they may share with other animals
Water mongoose (Atilax paludinosus)
Overall length of 100 cm, with a tail length of 41 cm
Prefer wet habitats - not very common on the trail
Feed on mice, birds, frogs and fish
Very territorial - mark their territories with black, pungent anal fluid
Large spotted genet (Genetta tigrina)
Height of 21 cm at shoulder
Black and white/grey ringed tail of 40 cm
Almost exclusively nocturnal
At home on the ground and up in the trees
Feed mainly on insects and mice, will occasionally take fruit
Found throughout the wetter areas of Southern Africa